Welcome to Social Work Professional Training’s CPD website which has been set up to support you with your continuing professional development.
You can use the website to:
- apply for training courses organised by the Social Work Department
- enter details of CPD tasks into your CPD record
- update your CPD plan
- follow links through to other websites which may be of interest to you
Continuing Professional Development is for everyone. The range of experiences that contribute to staff development is very wide and should be recognised as anything that progresses, assists or enhances your ability to perform your job such as, attendance at courses, preparatory or follow up work for courses, reading of professional materials, such as journals, books, research information and membership of working groups.
Your Line Manager will approve or decline any request you make for training. You should frequently check your home page of the CPD website for notification on the progress of requests. You will also receive email notification from the CPD system from time to time so make sure that you check for these as well. We hope that you find this website user-friendly and useful when planning your CPD.